Pop-Up Forest Wedding, Cowaramup

pop up wedding margaret river

Big Love Wedding Day Margaret River 4 March 2023.

This Pop-Up Wedding Day attracted Amy and Trent from Kalgoorlie — they travelled with their young family to marry amongst native forest on a private farm in the Margaret River region.

From their first meeting at a School of Mines party, (6 years ago to the day!), this couple have been on a true adventure together. It started when Trent’s khaki short shorts, Akubra and whip stirred something in Amy, and Amy’s cheeky photo-bombing antics brought Trent’s attention to her.

In the days leading up to their ceremony, the couple shared three things they love about each other with Celebrant Anita Revel.

Trent, you love Amy’s sense of humour; that she is always able to laugh and see the lighter side of things.

You love that she’s caring — always doing things to better your family.

And, you love that she is hardworking and passionate about things she believes in.

And Amy, you love how family is so important to Trent —
from the moment you met, he was always talking about his family, showing you photos of his nieces and nephews.

You love that he is supportive, no matter what idea you come up with… You feel supported in achieving whatever is important to you.

And, you love that he is the calm one. When you are losing it or stressed about something, he is the logical thinker who grounds you.

pop up wedding margaret river
Amy and Trent brought bubble-blowing toys with them to keep the kids occupied during the ceremony. And they brought their own version of bubbles to celebrate after the ceremony!

The couple also brought their own photographer with them: Savannah from Wild Light Imagery in Kalgoorlie. To view Savannah’s work, visit wildlightimagery.com.au