LS Merchants, Cowaramup

group of people enjoying the wine and sunshine at LS Merchants in Cowaramup

This is the pop-up wedding for wine-lovers, picnickers, and folk who love wining away their sunny daze!

It’s the “Vows & Vinos” themed pop-up wedding in Cowaramup:  1 March 2024

This Pop-Up Wedding Day is for couples who love a laid-back, welcoming picnic vibe with photography, ceremony, and bevvies and food organised for them. Think unique and super interesting wines, relaxed food and picnic vibes, and your own personal record-player on the lawn of LS Merchants, with views of vines and native Aussie bush…

Lodge your paperwork one month before this pop-up wedding day, and you can be legally wed by award-winning Celebrant Anita Revel*, amongst the vines in Cowaramup.

Anita Revel Celebrant is your host.

Read more, and book directly through Anita’s event page to book your spot.

Register for pop up wedding here

branding photo of a woman upside down in a chair holding a disco ball inside Big Love Tiny Chapel